Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Glow About before the lights go out

Hello Friends!
Thank you to everyone who attended my going away party in Minneapolis, MN. It was a night of music, dancing, painting, drinking, great friends, and Glowing About! Here are some pictures that I found the next day:

Doesn't our group painting look fantastic! Clearly someone stole the camera during the party, hahaha. It was a great night. Thank you for coming and I miss you all so much.
Until Next Time,

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A New Adventure

Hello all,
I am starting a new journey in Spain. Today is my first day here. I am in Toledo, Spain for couple days and then I travel to A Coruna. Thank you to all at the Hen House in New York for being so hospitable the last few days. Soon to come will be pictures from New York, Toledo, and A Coruna.
Until Next Time,